Saturday, January 15, 2011

15/365: flip-flops in waiting

I'm having a small case of cabin fever as far as these pictures go. With school I'm inside all day from darkness to darkness and thus a lot of my pictures have to be inside because it's winter.  It's raining buckets and buckets outside right now. All I want to do is slip on a pair of flip flops and go out in the sunshine.   I have a shoe rack in my laundry room for flip flops. It's usually full, but I was too lazy this morning to put the remaining pairs away before taking the picture.


  1. Holy cow! Look at all those flip flops! I love it!

  2. Aahhh....flip flops. I'm counting down the days until I can wear them again!

  3. Hahaha...way cool take on photo-a-day.

  4. J. Crew thanks you for your business
