Saturday, January 1, 2011

1/365: Black Glitter Ballet Flats

Happy New Year!

Today was a very unusual day for me, I only left the house to run to the store and thus my photo opportunities were rather boring. I decided to choose 2 pictures from the wee early hours of this morning, still celebrating the new year.  Photo one is in front of the Christmas tree (we keep it up through Jan 2).  My sister Sassy Shutter commented that she spent all day trying to find the perfect photo. Sheesh, if we keep this up, it's going to be a loooong year. I can only imagine that there will be easy shots and hard shots as time goes by.

Today's shoes: Size 9, black glitter BP 'Edie' ballet flats


  1. What a fun take on the project 365!! I just finished up my first one and you are right, there will be easy and hard days :O) I love the idea of you putting shoes in each photo. I look forward to see all your photos!!

  2. Thanks Courtney, I can't wait to see what everyone does this year, it's such a fun idea. Hopefully i'll be able to keep it interesting!

  3. I love the shoe idea! I can't wait to see where the shoes end up this year.
